its 1.43am now and im still (oppsiee!i mean yesterday xD) went to queensbay after school.reached home at 7.30 and follow mummy to queensbay.dinner at kapitan and i ate tandoori and cheese chicken kebab.kinda nice man!i love cheese!xD after that,went to popular for sejarah text book but too bad cant find it at queensbay's popular =( so just bought a correction tape =P oh yahh.the cashier was our school ex-prefect!BANANA WONG actually is jocinda wong but she looks like banana so we just called her as banana xD she talked to me and asked me where's my ribbon cause im still wearing my school uniform but without ribbon.she's a cashier and not a prefect now but still catch me for broke the school rules == next,went to maxis for my WAYNE ROONEY xD asked mummy to top up 30bucks for herself and bought a rooney for myself.NYEHEHE *evil* went back home at 10.30 and online again.
i just realized that i havent done my fcuking homework and today is saturday but still need to go back to the fcuking school == sumore later gonna start our gotong-royong.thanks to my principal == and the discipline teacher dont let us to bring camera for our moral project!(WE NEED TO TAKE PICTURES OF GOTONG-ROYONG FOR MORAL PROJECT!)she said we were late for asking her ==
picture of my ROONEY!xD
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