Sunday, June 29, 2008


saturday was our ranger n guides drilling competition.
our dearest ps LIM CHERN MIN ask us came at around 7am to practice our drilling.
but we just wasted the half and hour time.
because of our dearest ps LIM CHERN MIN!
she reach school at 7.30am.
(ps:she is the one who plan the drilling)
the competition started at 8.15am
we're the third patrol to present the drilling.
when im saying TO THE POTONG~
they're laughing at me!
actually,i still dont understand what so funny le.xDD

after the ranger drilling competition was guides drilling competition.
we took alot of photo
asked alot of question during the pemeriksaan.
and i've change my name to HENG KHAI LING / ANG CAI YUN !xDD
some form 1 told me that im HENG KHAI LING the DISIPLIN MISTRESS =.=!

when we're settle all the stuff.
i went to 600cc @ tesco for lunch with my sister and mom.
i ordered one bowl of hot and spicy noodles.
but then i cant finish it.
this is because its too SPICY!!
my lips become SAUSAGE after i ate the noodles =.=!
i drank two tin of cola n one scoop of ice-cream only can cold down my temperature.
to be honest.
i regret to ordered it already. x)

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